سامانه بازاریابی فایل های دانشجویی

جستجوی پیشرفته فایلهای علمی از سایت های مختلف

سامانه بازاریابی فایل های دانشجویی

جستجوی پیشرفته فایلهای علمی از سایت های مختلف

سیستم مدیریت مدرسه C Net سرور Sql

یک سیستم پیشرفته مدیریت مدرسه سیستم نوشته شده C # .Net 4.0 عنوان پایان جلسه SQL سرور 2008 باشد  نرم افزار سیستم مدیریت مدرسه مدیریت اطلاعات مربوط دانشجویان، کارکنان اداری، کتابدار، حسابدار، مدیران سایر کارکنان مدرسه پلت فرم برقراری ارتباط انجام وظایف استفاده شود. نرم افزار مدیریت سیستم مدرسه کمک کند


1.Admin can perform all transactions.
2.Librarian (Book Issue and Book Return)
3.Accounts officer can perform transactions.

Main Features are:
1:Master Entries :
Class Entry
Section Entry
Student Entry
Book Entry
Book Suppliers Entry
Fee Entry
Transportation Entry
Department Entry
Hostel Entry
Fee Category
Hostellers Entry
Bus Holders Entry
Events Entry
Scholarships Entry
Employee Entry
Subject Entry
Marks Entry
Exams Entry
Student Class Promotion

2:Accounts Module
Salary Payment
Class Fees Payment
Bus Fee Payment
Scholarship Payment
Hostel Fees Payment

3 :Transportation Module
Bus Holders
Bus Fee Payment



4 :Hostel Module
Hostel Fee Payment
5: Library Module
Book Entry
Book Issue
Book Return(Automatically fine will be added after due date)
6: Examination Module
Subject Entry
Exams Entry
Marks Entry
Scorecard Reports
Scorecard Records
7:Events Management
8: Reports (Using Crystal Report)
Bus Holders Report
Hostellers Report
Class Fees Payment Report
Scholarship Payment Report
Hostel Fees Payment Report
Bus Fees Payment Report
Salary Report
Student Marks Report

9:Advance Record Searching :
Student Records
Employee Records
Transportation Records
Hostellers Records
Books Records
Books Issue Records
Book Return Records
Class Fee Payment Records
Salary Payment Records
Scholarship Payment Records
Hostel Fee Payment Records
Marks Records
Event Records etc.

10:Other Features:
SMS Feature
Email Feature
Advance User Rights Management System
Logs maintain facility(Admin Can View the all changes or transaction of system )

Login Information:
For Admin:
User Type - Admin
User Name - admin
Password - 12345
For Librarian:
User Type - Librarian
User Name - Librarian
Password - 12345
For Account Officer:
User Type - Account Officer
User Name - Account Officer
Password - 12345

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